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Pair programming

Pair programming​


In our school we train paired programmers. Pair programming is a programming technique in which the source code is created by pairs of people programming the same task while sitting at the same workstation. One programmer ("presenter") controls the computer and mostly thinks about coding in detail. Another programmer ("navigator" [1]) focuses on the big picture and continually reviews the code produced by the first programmer. They change roles from time to time, usually every half hour.

The Paired Programmer Advantage​

Improving discipline​


Paired programmers are more likely to "do the right thing" and rarely take long breaks.

Better code​


Partners in a pair are less prone to bad decisions and produce better code.

Collective code ownership​


Collective ownership (pairs swap) means that everyone is responsible for all the code. Thus, everyone has the right to make changes to any part of the code. Pair programming supports this practice: by working in pairs, all programmers have access to all parts of the code. An important advantage of shared code ownership is that it speeds up the development process, because when an error occurs, any programmer can fix it.

Code validation continuity​


Errors are detected as soon as they appear, which saves both time and money. The development team rallies, which allows you to finish work earlier and in better quality.

Remote (remote) pair programming​


Remote (remote) pair programming, also known as virtual pair programming or distributed pair programming, is a form of pair programming in which two programmers are separated from each other [2], working through a co-authoring tool, remote desktop, or via plugin for the integrated development system. Remote pair programming adds additional difficulties not found in conventional pair programming, such as additional coordination delays, reliance on heavier task management tools instead of simplistic options such as index cards, and a lack of non-verbal communication tools leading to misunderstandings and conflicts in such matters. like "whose keyboard is now."

You can read more about pair programming here


  1. MDN web docs
  2. Code for Teens: The Perfect Beginner's Guide to Programming, Volume 1: Javascript - Jeremy Moritz
  4. Wiki with information about paired programmers
  5. Our Discord
  6. Group FB 7.Take the quiz on this topic and check the learned topic in the mobile application.

Contributors βœ¨β€‹

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


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